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Automating the Foam Dragon - continued


In this part of the tutorial we finish off our look at how the foam dragon was automated. Part 1 of this tutorial is here.


The hose in the mouth

This picture shows the hose in the mouth of the dragon. The smoke comes out of it.


Carve a channel

The hose needed a little room so I carved a channel in the lower jaw.


The lightbulb eye

The eyes are christmas bulbs glued into the eyeball socket.

These smaller christmas bulbs are easy to light with a low voltage.


The plastic eye

I then cut a shape out of colored plastic. Its about the shape of an eye. And I put that right over the bulb. It gives a good look.

And that's pretty much it. The smoke, the opening jaw and the eyeballs.


Make Stained Glass

How to Make a Stained Glass window

Stained glass is an art that almost died out. Good thing it didn't! It is beautiful and you can make it too. I show you how, step by step and I have a video to go with it. How to make a stained glass window.


A Goldfish Tank

New: How to Set up a Goldfish Tank

I got myself three adorable goldfish. I am obsessed with them! Here is a tutorial on what to get and what to do if you want an easy start with an aquarium. How to Set up a goldfish aquarium



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