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Forge a steel sword quickly - Part 3


In this part of the tutorial we make the guard for the sword.

Part 1 of this tutorial, with video, is here.



The Guard

This is the guard of the sword. This is the part we will make.

You can see that it has to have a slot in it so it can slide over the tang. That is a bit of a challenge so how will we do this?





The steel

We are using a bar of plain steel that is 1 1/4 inches wide, 3/16 thick and 36 inches long.







Bend the steel

This is how we are going to get a short slot in the guard so we can put the tang into it.

Bend it in half first.








Slot at the bend

Then we can use the cut off tool to cut a notch in it.. This notch is about half the width we need. Which means that when we open the piece back up the notch will be a slot about the size we need.








Finish slot

I have straightened that bar back out and now I am hammering a piece of scrap steel into the slot to clean it up.








DO a hot cutoff

Now let's trim the guard down to the size we want. We do this by hot cutting off each edge.









Heat the guard

Now we can heat the guard and the blade and put them together by squeezing the tang into the guard.









The hot sword

Ok, the smithing part of this sword is done. Let's take it into the shop and finish it off.









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