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How to Forge a Spear tip - Part 3

In this part of the tutorial we form the fish-tail shape into a cone that will be fit onto the spear handle. We are going to have a lot fun in this part :)

Part 1 ( the beginning) of this tutorial is here



Use a cross pean hammer

We are going to shape this end of the bar into a cone shape. So we start with a cross pean hammer so we can get to the center line of the bar. Notice how I have it slightly leaned off the surface of the anvil.

The steel is thinner now because we fish-tailed it. So it is pretty easy to work. But it is thicker down near that hourglass waistline so focus more energy and hammering at that point.

You can also use the horn of the anvil for this.



Narrow the waist

Ok, the curving is started and it looks good. Notice how almost all of the focus at this starting point is at the hourglass section. This has the most steel and needs the most work. We start it here nicely and the rest of it will fall into place easily.






Now let's gently continue that curling action. We work from the hourglass and move toward the end.


Form the neck Start the curve


Heat and close the socket

And just like that the cone shape appears. Notice how I have shifted to a smaller hammer to keep control now that the work is more delicate.







CLose up the socket

Ok, it is just about done. You can close it up or leave it open a small bit. We will see why when we finish it.








The cone is shaped


But for now let's move on to step four and shape the blade of the spear.





Cold Steel Viking Hand Axe -

Cold Steel Viking Hand Axe -

This classic, historically inspired fighter promises to be a popular and welcome addition to the already hugely successful line of Cold Steel tomahawks and axes. A design collaboration between Lynn C Thompson, Dave Baker and Rich McDonald, the Viking Hand Axe brings together a stout 30" American Ash handle, an extra broad, sharp cutting edge, a hooking "beard", and up-swept thrusting "horn" to make a formidable fighting axe that would be the pride of any Viking's collection!


A dagger

New Tutorial: How to make a dagger . It is very similar to making a knife. But there are a couple of differences. A dagger is edged on both sides and made for sticking not slicing! Make a Dagger



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