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The Creativity of it: The Miniature Battlemage

This is a creative look at the project "How to sculpt a miniature BattleMage".

I approached this project from a very loose direction. I just wanted to make another tutorial on how to sculpt a miniature figure. It is one of the things that I enjoy most (Sculpting Miniatures). But I wasn't sure about what I should sculpt.


So I looked over the various sculpting tutorials that I have and saw that I didn't have a mage or magic user. Great! I will do that. And it does lend itself to a few interesting things. First off is that he will be carrying a large staff. That would be interesting to show how to do that. And of course he would have a robe. And that is a technique I haven't covered before .

So that's it , a magic user!

And how do we start a project like this?

Sketching the mage

Well, before we actually sculpt the figure we have to have a really good idea of what he is going to look like. And for that we start on paper. It is fast and easy. We can draw out multiple magic users in minutes.

This picture shows the first drawing I did.

At this point we want to try to figure out the gesture of the miniature. How is he standing? What are the major parts to think about?

I did several drawings with his arm outstretched like this but didn't like any of them. The stance just didn't feel right.


Finalizing the drawings

So I changed how he held the staff and changed the figures stance. And I was happy with this. So this is what we are going to make.



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Creativity: How To Increase Your Creative Confidence & Change Your Life (Health Wealth & Happiness Book 41)