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Egyptian Palace and Fantasy City Dioramas

I got an email from Alexandra who makes miniatures out of polymer clay. She wanted to let me know that he is now making dioramas with Alice and Michael.

So, She sent us some pictures of the wonderful diorama and miniatures. My thanks go to her for sharing it all with us. These are two scenes called Egyptian Palace and Fantasy city.

And these works are the illustrations for a chapter book written by Alice. I have an excerpt for you.


The Dioramas are called: " Egyptian Palace"  and "Fantasy City",   For figures  Alex used polymer clay, Sculpey and/or Fimo.  It can be molded like modelling clay.  After baking in oven, figures become hard and make a great gifts.

Alexandra Doudetskaia (figures)
Alice Ivanitskiy (figures)
Michael Ivanitskiy (buildings)

Excerpt of Alice's writing:

Alice put the book back on the table and looked up in front of her miniature city, so her face was on the level with the shelf. Smoke from miniature torch made small figurines look unreal. It looked like the small clay people were moving. She saw water started to pour down from aqueduct and clay woman with long hair bent down to fill in her pitcher. Small clay warrior with torch turned around and walked toward the mirror. He touched the mirror and... And in this moment Alice found herself to be pulled toward the mirror, toward the eerie blue glow in the center. Next moment, she was standing right by the small warrior. Only ...only he was not small anymore. He was a boy around fifteen, but much taller than Alice now. She was standing on the square of her clay city, and she was the same size as people around her! The warrior stared at her, with his mouth open in surprise. Sound behind made him to turn his head, and surprise on his face turned to the expression of terror.

"Quick!"the boy whispered urgently and pointed around the corner. "Come here and hide before they will see you in front of the portal and get suspicious!" He pointed behind his back and Alice saw blue glowing arch, hanging in midair in front of her. "Come here, now!" the warrior repeated.






Safari Ltd. Egyptian Miniatures -

12 PROFESSIONALLY SCULPTED FIGURINES - The Ancient Egypt TOOB from Safari Ltd is an awe-inspiring introduction to Ancient Egypt. These fascinating and brightly-colored figurines include some of the most memorable characters, monuments, and treasures from Ancient Egypt, including Nefertiti, Bastet, King Tutankhamen, Isis, Amulet, Mummy Case, Scarab, Pyramids of Giza, Sphinx, Thoth, Anubis and Hieroglyph.






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