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Irish Spring Diorama Part 5

In this part of the tutorial we finish the diorama.









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Easy Diorama Water Tutorial

New: Make Diorama Water with Elmer's Glue Gel -

No more concerns about getting specialized materials to make terrific water effects in a diorama. I use two Elmer's products to make a River, a Waterfall, a babbling stream and a lake. The diorama I make is Ponce de Leon and the Fountain of Youth.


Bonkei thumb

How to Make a Bonkei (Japanese Tray Landscape)

It is a distinct type of diorama and the traditional form of this art would display a realistic natural landscape. I take it to another level and create a fantasy landscape with a hero and a beast in a cave. How to Make a Bonkei tray landscape


Waterfall in a diorama

A Waterfall in a diorama

Actually pretty easy to make a great looking waterfall if you know the right tools and techniques. I have it right here: Make a waterfall in a diorama