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How to Make Gandalf's Staff - Part 4


In this part of the tutorial I show you another way to make the ornamental work on the staff with a two part epoxy resin.

Part 1 of this tutorial is here



Apoxie sculpt comes in two parts. You mix equal amounts of these two parts together. Mix it thorougly by kneading it.

Once it is mixed you have about two hours to work with it until it is hardened.


Now apply the apoxie sculpt to the staff in pieces. Work it just like clay and shape it to the shape you want.


Continue adding and sculpting the epoxie.


Use tools to help, including knifes. palette knifes or sculpting tools and dental picks.


Ok, the sculpting is done and it looks great.


Set it aside to dry. And once it is hardened in a few hours you can still work it with sand paper. to finalize the shape and smooth it out.


NextOkay! Let's continue with the tutorial and paint/finish it


Make a Wizard's Pendulum Clock

Using foamboard you can make a simple moon clock that rotates through the phases of the moon.

It uses a single pin escapement which is an ingenious device. learn about clocks and how they work with this project.

Make a Wizard's Pendulum clock




Make a simple diorama

This is a great project for kids. You need a small box, glue stick, scissors and a magazine. That's it. I show you how to make a simple diorama.



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