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How to Make a Lord of the Rings Helmet out of Sheet Metal: Part 3

In this part of the tutorial we finish the making of the helmet.


Today I was mounting a "chin strap"..

I cut a piece leather to the right length, then I put on a buckle and riveted it to the helmet.


I also started with, using my multi-tool, to carve out the pattern of the so-called wings. The original plan was to cut out the pattern from a separate piece of sheet metal, but I'm just too lazy.


Today I sanded and polished the helmet. And started to paint the pattern on the wings using kind of unhealthy paint.


After that, I used rivets to attach to now now completed neck guard. It consists of a piece of chainmail, attached to a leather sheet.

And after doing so, the helmet is done!

Now the only thing remaining is th put it on its wooden stand.






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Mandalore mask

Make a Mandalore the Ultimate's Mask

This is an excellent EVA Foam tutorial showing you how to make a mask. You can use these techniques to make just about any mask. EVA Foam is terrific! This tutorial was shared with us by a web visitor. How to Make Mandalore the Ultimate's Mask.



More Tutorials:

Swordmaking: It's all about the steel

You have probably heard the term "high carbon steel". Are you interested in knowing exactly what it means? And seeing as there is high carbon steel there is of course a low carbon steel. There is even one right between the two. In this tutorial I explain to you what that all means and how it affects sword making. And of course I have a video too. Swordmaking: It's all about the steel


a Real Sword

How to Make a Real Sword- I take you through the whole process of making a sword. And this one is a good sized sword! Really beefy and feels good in the hands. How to Make a sword