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Make the Immortals Mask - part 3


In this part of the tutorial we finish off the mask by making the cloth hood.

Part 1 is right here



Black Cloth

Once the paint is dry you are going to need some black cloth. About 1 foot wide and long enough to tie around your head. An old T-shirt will do.


Glue cloth to mask

Take one and using glue glue the edge of the cloth all the way around the edges of the inside of the mask. Use clothespins if you need to hold the cloth down while it dries. It dries quick though so you might not need them.


The cloth is glued


Cover the eyes and mouth

Then with scraps of cloth cover the eyes and mouth on the inside. Glue the scraps in. This picture shows the first eye being covered.

An important thing to note here is that my cloth is thin enough to see though! So put your cloth up to your eyes and make sure you can see through it. If not then skip this step or get another type of cloth, something thinner.


The bandana

Now we are going to add a second piece of cloth at the forehead, on the outside of the mask. It is kind of like a bandana wrapped around the forehead.


Closeup of the knot

With a scrap piece of cloth, kind of like a thick string wrap it around the center of your piece and tie it in a knot.

Glue it all down to the forehead of the mask.

Then accordian out pleats in the cloth. Now wrap that around the forehead and tie it in the back. But you should probably put the mask on then tie those loose pieces around the back so it is a comfortable fit.



That's It! Your Immortals Mask is done!



A Spartan Helmet

Make a Spartan Helmet
Make this helmet out of paper mache and cardboard. Complete instructions and video, along with a download of the template The Spartan Helmet


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