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How to Make the Kirkhammer from Bloodborne - Part 5

In this part of the tutorial we do the detail work on the kirkhammer and the painting to finish it.

Part 1 of this tutorial is here



Shape the handle

Next carve out the shape and details of the handle using any tools that are available to you. The foam is easy to cut and shape. here are a few tools that work well.

The next three pictures show the tools that I used: A rasp, a shaping tool and a dremel.

Note that a shaping tool is a woodworkers tool that is very similar to a cheese grater.



Rasp to shape Rasping Add details


The details are done

Ok, the handle is carved and it looks great.









Mark for the runes

Let's add the runes to the hammer head.

Lightly draw out some guidelines so you can keep them straight.







And carve out the runes.

Add the runes with a dremel  The runes look good


Let's Paint it


Paint it black

Paint everything black. That includes the hammer, the handle and the sword.


NextNext we do a technique called dry brushing to get that great metallic/stone look (continue)





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