Storm The
The Classical Guitar Tutorial for Beginners

Chapter Five: Right Hand Position

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The image above shows good right hand wrist positioning. The outside of the wrist should be close to straight. This will allow the tendons of the hand to move freely and quickly.

The illustration at right shows poor wrist position. The wrist is bent too far. This can cause difficulty playing and even, over time, trouble with the tendons.


A Note about the positioning of the right hand: This is just a recommendation. Different people do play differently and you should always be comfortable when you play. Do not sacrifice enjoyment of playing in an attempt to achieve perfect form.

Continue to the next part of the tutorial

Table of Contents

  1. The Parts of the guitar
  2. Stringing your guitar g
  3. Body Position and holding the guitar
  4. Left hand position
  5. Right hand position
  6. Care of the Nails
  7. Tuning your guitar
  8. Reading sheet music-the notes on the staff
  9. learn how to play pop/rock guitar with the ultimate guitar learning kit