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The Forever Weeping Tree Diorama

Alisha uses some clever techniques to make this beautiful little diorama. And she likes to use basic, and real materials. Read more down below.

Be sure to check out Alisha's website where she sells lots of amazing miniature items

She tells us how she makes the pond:

"I used hot glue covering a surface of painted mirror card and plastic sheet."

Which is a very clever technique. The painted mirror card and plastic sheet gives it a realistic water look.

- "The foliage on the tree is a combination of dried out twigs and flowers, some twisted cottons etc and some coloured home made sawdust grains."

Will likes how Alisha used natural and found materials to make the foliage on the tree. You don't have to buy things at the store to get a realistic looking tree.



"The hill and surrounding terain has been formed using polysterene."


The Forever Weeping Tree Diorama


The Forever Weeping Tree Diorama


The Forever Weeping tree diorama