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Make a Flanged Mace part 3

In this part of the tutorial we finish off the mace by painting it and doing any optional decoration and grip work that we desire.


Lets paint the mace. And you can paint it any way that you like. I will show you how I did it. And I didn't paint the grip part of the mace because I will be wrapping that part with leather and wire.


Paint everything, including the two spike points, black. Everything except the grip area if you are wrapping your mace.


Paint the flanges and handle silver

Then paint the flanges and the upper portion of the handle silver. Just like you see here.


Dry brushing

We now have several parts that are still black. They are the four bands and the two spikes. Let's dry brush them silver so they are silver but look different than the flanges.

Dry brushing is where you get silver paint on the brush then wipe most of it off on a rag. Then you lightly and quickly brush over the black. This puts small amounts of silver on it.


Glue on the leather handle

Next measure and cut a piece of leather or cloth for the grip. Glue it in place then wrap it and glue it again.


The leather handle


And I finished mine off by wrapping it with aluminum wire.

Wire wrapped grip


And that's it! Your Flanged Mace is done.

The Flanged Mace


EVA Foam mace

The tutorial for the LARPing Mace that has the EVA Foam Flanges is right here




The Electric Mace

The Electric Mace

This is another fun automatic weapon project. With this one the head of the mace has spikes that go in and out. Good thing that knights from the past didn't have double A batteries :) Learn more about The Electric Mace


Viking Axe

Make a strong Viking axe out of foamboard or cardboard

This is a fun and easy project. And you can handle it a lot because it is durable. I also show you a new technique for making the bevel on bladed weapons. How to Make a Viking Axe