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How Will got started with cardboard

My story with cardboard is similar to that old black and white movie "Citizen Kane". My love of cardboard goes back to my childhood.



When I was a kid my father worked in a cardboard box factory. Yup, they have to make boxes somewhere! He operated a machine called "The Corrugator". It was the machine that made the crinkled layer of brown paper right in the middle of the cardboard. This corrugation is what gives cardboard it's unique strength while still being light weight.

Well, seeing as he worked in a cardboard factory many times he brought home different types, shapes, and sizes of cardboard sheets and boxes.

It all fascinated me and many hours of my childhood were spent making all kinds of things with this cardboard. And to this day, as an adult, I am still amazed by cardboard and what can be done with it.

So have fun! Let's make some things with cardboard boxes. The sky is the limit with what you can make with cardboard and cardboard boxes.