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Make a pool noodle dagger

This project is part of the pool noodle sword project. You can see that project here.

Otherwise, this project uses a foot long length of pool noodle to make a nice little safe dagger.



In the previous tutorial we made the sword. That gave us an excess piece of pool noodle shown here by the white arrow. We use that to make the dagger in the same way we made the sword.


The noodle has a hole in it that is almost an inch in diameter. So we make a tang on the dagger that is a little less than that.


Draw a handle shape on a piece of cardboard.


Check it with the noodle to see if it looks good. Re-draw it as you like.


Once you get it the way you like it make four of them .


And glue them together.





Trim it with scissors and it's done.


Here is the Pool Noodle sword tutorial:

It is a fun and safe sword. The handle and crossguard are cardboard. Add a one dollar pool noodle to it and you have a safe sword ready for battle. Make a pool noodle sword