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How To Podcast - Chapter 6 Advertising and promoting your podcast

There are many different ways to promote your podcast. Of course if you have a website this is the first and foremost way to do it. As long as the podcast is relevant to your website.

And when it comes to advertising and promoting your podcast to other websites there are two distinct things to look at:

First: It is a podcast and you can list it with all the various podcast directories

Second: Your podcast is about a particular subject and you should advertise and promote with websites that are of the same subject. If your topic is fantasy you should look into exchanging links with websites that focus on fantasy etc.


Some more Ideas:

Don't ignore forums; These are places where people that are passionate about certain subjects congregate. You can often find a very eager audience for your podcast at forums.

Don't be bashful to ask for link exchanges with webmasters or to let them know that you have a podcast that is relevant to their site. Good webmasters are always looking for fresh content.

Lets continue on with the tutorial on podcasting

How to Podcast 2016

Entirely Updated for 2016: How To Podcast In Just 4 Simple Steps Don't Waste Days (Or Weeks - Or Months - Or Years) Learning To Podcast Like An Audio Nerd (Or Computer Geek) ... Launch Your Podcast (Today) In Just Four Simple Steps. Make Your Podcast FAST And Get It Online For The Connected World To Subscribe To, Download And Act On You're wasting time and money listening to "expert" advice about podcasting.