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How to Forge a Bottle Opener Part 3

In this part of the tutorial we work on the handle and the off end of the bottle opener. In doing this we learn some neat and easy beginner blacksmithing techniques.







Now that we have a nice taper on the end of the piece we want to do a nice scrolling curve. Sam put the heated end on the horn and used the horn and hammer to start the curl. The next picture doesn't show this but you should get the idea.




And just as we did with the other end of the bottle opener we use a variety of positions and anvil locations to curl this end. The difference being is that we continue the curl even further this time.



And we finish it off by heating the second section, placing it in a vise and twisting it. Notice that we are using a tool placed in the curl we had just finished. Kind of comes in handy for that.




How to Make a Sword - I take you through the whole process of making a sword. And this one is a good sized sword! Really beefy and feels good in the hands. How to Make a sword - It also comes with a detailed step-by-step youtube video.