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Videos of Thak Ironworks

I spent a day with Thak and his team. We walked around the shop and talked about blacksmithing and more. In this first video we get an overall look at the shop and in the second video we have a talk with Thak about blacksmithing.



First video:


Second video:

Sword forge How to Make a Sword Forge

When making a sword you don't need a forge or anvil. But, you run into the problem of how to harden and temper the blade? You need to heat the whole blade at the same time. And you can do this with a sword forge. In this tutorial I show you why and I take you through the easy making of a forge like this. And I have included a video. How to Make a Sword forge


How to forge a handy Bottle opener

Want to make your own bottle opener? I have a tutorial for you right here. And it is a great tutorial for beginners because you will learn several common blacksmithing techniques like hot cutting and twisting. How to Forge a Bottle Opener.