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What happened to the World's Greatest Cardboard Castle?

I had to let out an LOL when I looked at the castle in it's current state.

Follow along in the progress of this castle, including videos here.


I set it aside for a while to work on other projects. But, today I am getting back to working on the castle. I had quite a few hours invested in it. The table itself, with time, and things going on just got a bit out of control.

Check back in with me tomorrow to see it cleaned up and in better shape.

But, this is a long term project and it will change a lot over time. I will be trying different techniques and working out a variety of blueprints/layouts.


This is an on-going project and you will be able to follow along here on my blog and on the webpage here. (You can see some of how this castle actually developed) The World's Greatest Cardboard Castle