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Guitarra a Musical Journey Through Spain

For me there is just something about the Spanish Guitar. It's the passion, the melodies, the spanish scale and just an amazing feeling and sound.

This is a wonderful cd all about the Classical Guitar in Spain as it developed over the past five centuries. When it comes to classical guitar there isn't a whole lot out there and Julian Bream is one of the few player-champions who has brought us some amazing stuff.

And this DVD is about one of the most remarkable and amazing aspects of the classical guitar- how it developed in Spain. Classical Guitar and Spanish Guitar are one in the same yet very different.

What this DVD is:

It is a three hour long piece hosted by Julian Bream and it takes us through the complete history of spanish and classical guitar. And it is all done in Spain which is really nice. And it is just loaded with all kinds of classical and spanish pieces that Julian plays. I mean the dvd is full of music. Most of it you will be familiar with and some of it you won't be familiar with. And he starts out in the 15th century with Vihuela music which he plays for us on a vihuela. which is an early guitar.

All along the way we ge insights into major composers, major works, how the styles changed and more. And of course there is some wonderful flamenco workI really enjoyed this dvd.

One really big thing about this dvd:

It is all about Spanish Guitar and they really give you a feeling of spain over the centuries. It takes place all over spain where julian will play in a cathedral, or on a spanish fishing boat or in a spanish coartyard somewhere. And, throughout the music and narration you get images and videos of various locations around the country. Wonderful to listen to Sevilla and watch the video of the city of Seville. Or overlook the Andalusias.

I can't recommend this any higher. If you are a fan of the classical or spanish guitar this is well worth a look. I got my copy from Netflix which is a great alternative if you just want to give it a listen.



It's also available on

Guitarra! A Musical Journey Through Spain