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Make Deadpool's Katanas - Part 5 The Miniature set

I had a lot of fun making the katanas and for some reason it popped into my head that a miniature set would be fun too. I could make a set for the dragonslayer . So I did!



In the printed template there is a page with all the minature parts.









You can cut each piece out of the template then glue them to cereal box cardboard but.... because the pieces are so small it is easier to just glue stick the whole sheet to cereal box cardboard then cut them out.






Here I am cutting out one of the katanas.





And just like we did with the full size swords slide the tsuba onto each sword and glue it in place.








Now we need a space between the top cover and the bottom that you see here - a space where the swords can slide into. In the big katanas we used foam board spacers. But on this miniature set instead I dabbed thick globs of hot glue and let it cool.


Once it cooled I then added small dabs of glue and then put the top on.





That's it. Once it is all glued together you just have to paint it.











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