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How to sculpt fantasy miniatures Part 9: Adding the Belt, Bracers, and Boots


In this installment of the tutorial I show you how to add the clothing details to the miniature viking. I make and add the belt, bracers, and boots to the minature. This tutorial is very similiar to lesson 8 in that we create our small articles of clothing and add them to the miniature. In lesson 8 we worked with the larger pieces of clothing and armor and in this lesson we move on to the smaller and more detail armor pieces. This is the perfect way to make your miniature - you start with the bigger things and bigger shapes and work your way down methodically through all of the levels of detail.



NextContinue with tutorial to lesson 10 where we complete the details of the miniature


Miniature Roman Warship

Miniature Roman Warship

Here is a look at a miniature model Roman Warship built by a web visitor (Marshall). My thanks to him for submitting this.

A model like this is a great place to start if you are interested in miniatures. The Roman Warship Model


Miniature Statue

Make a Miniature Statue

The important thing is what to use as a finish so you get that marble statue look. This is a tutorial giving you a look at how to make a miniature statue, how I sculpted it and what I used for a finish.